BUHARI says " I don't want to disobey UN orders, Biafra should go with only 5 state"
Recording facts emerging from a secret meeting with Buhari and some northern leaders early this month. He told the leaders that there's a serious pressure on him to obey the UN charter on self- determination and stop violating Nnamdi kanu's fundamental human right alongside right of other Biafria agitators held in different Nigerian jails by also releasing them un-conditionally as well as allow for a UN Referendum to test if the people of Biafra
wish to continue which Nigeria or not.He also told them that the National community said they have enough evidence against buhari and his government is violating the fundamental human rights of Biafrians by using Brutal force on some Biafrans during peaceful protest and rallies.He also told the Northern leaders that if nothing is done right now, One day, The north will wake up and loose all the assets of Nigeria to Biafra and there may soon be a UN statement on issue of Biafra and the violation of the fundamental human rights which may result to a call for Biafra referendum. According to the source, After the deliberations, Buhari told the northern leaders that he will only allow Biafra to go on one condition and that the condition according to him is that the oil producing area of Niger Delta will be carved out and allowed to remain in Nigeria. Then only the Igbo speaking state of south-east will be allowed to go as biafra. Also, all the National assets such as : Refineries, Seaports,Airports,Telecom etc belonging
to the Federal government especially those located within the Biafrian territories will be completely sold off before the Referendum will be allowed to take place. So before the Biafra
Referendum will come, All the critical assets of Federal Government within the Biafran territory are going to be sold off. This is the latest plan of Buhari. One wonders if this was indeed is one of the plans that led to negotiation to sell of some F.G assets perhaps only those located in Biafran regionof the country. From this information, it is crystal clear that the only thing binding the leadership of the North to one Nigeria is the oil in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. So this close discussion will open a lot of issues about what Nnamdi kanu and many Biafran have said all along that oil is the issue and not the interest of the people of Biafran Region. Now the ball will be on the court of UN and international communities to determine who wants to go join the rest of Biafra by asking the will of the people of Biafran region to be fully expressed another thing is that once these are done, subsequent
negotiations will begin to take place and a lot more will be at stake for both parties.But if this report is really authentic, as we could tell from the source of the information, Then Nigeria is finally breaking up and Biafra will be a free republic of her own. History will be made for generations to come. It is not going to be an easy task but a tedious one that will break hearts and psychology of many on both sides of the divide, but a new chapter will be open for two new countries that will thrive alongside each others as Neighbours and hopefully peaceful without anger and strife
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